Your Visit
Dear Healing Points Acupuncture Community, I am happy to announce that after much careful research and preparation the clinic reopened in July. I have implemented stringent safety protocols to minimize risk of exposure when you visit. Your health and safety are of the utmost importance to me. More info in the box below!
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: The office is now open on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Visits will be for the same length of time (1.5hrs for initial, 1hr for return), however appointments are now being spaced apart to allow time between patients for thorough sanitization of treatment rooms and shared spaces, airing out, and turning over of the rooms. This also encourages social distancing and limits contact with others while at the clinic.
The waiting room is closed for now. Please do not bring anyone along to your treatment. If you must come with a caregiver or another person this must be pre-authorized.
Tea and water service must be discontinued for now. Please arrive hydrated or bring your own water bottle.
Healing Points Acupuncture is a FRAGRANCE-FREE CLINIC, please do not wear any perfumes, colognes, or other scented personal care products for those who are sensitive.
PPE: Patients are required to wear a mask or facial covering for the duration of their visit. Any mask is fine but if it’s an N95 mask with a valve, the valve must be covered by a separate cloth/tape. If you do not have a mask of your own, one will be provided for you. I will be wearing a surgical mask, protective eyewear, scrubs, and lab coat.
SCHEDULING: I am open for booking appointments. You can call or text me at 501-221-1120 and make your appointment. I am available by telemedicine for virtual health visits and herbal consultations for anyone that may not be ready to come in or is ill.
If you are a new patient, your interview and health history may be conducted remotely prior to coming in for treatment. If you are a patient but haven’t been in for some time, I encourage you to have a virtual consultation before coming in. This allows for plenty of time to share how you are feeling and update me on your current health status, while minimizing exposure.
WHO SHOULD NOT VISIT AT THIS TIME: If you are experiencing any symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath, or loss of smell or taste, please reschedule. Additionally, if you have tested positive for COVID-19 or have come in contact with someone who has tested positive, I ask that you wait 14 days or receive a negative test before coming in.
At this point I am not equipped to treat anyone with any respiratory illnesses of any kind (even if you know it is not COVID-19), nor anyone with a fever.
I will be happy to care for you and give you advice virtually in the interim.
WHEN YOU ARRIVE: Please arrive on time (not early or late) for your appointment. You will need to wait on the front porch or in your car until I call or greet you at the time of your appointment. You may also text or call to let me know you are here. My goal is to minimize contact between you and any other patients and make sure your treatment room is ready.
Please bring in very few personal items with you to your visit.
In order to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, I will be screening everyone who comes in.
Upon entering the building patients must be wearing a mask. Your temperature will be taken by a touchless or disposable thermometer. You will fill out a questionnaire asking about Covid-19 symptoms and sign a consent form. You will be required to fill out the symptom survey every time you come for an appointment. If you are having symptoms or answer yes to the questions your appointment will need to be rescheduled.
Patients will sanitize hands after entering or go to the restroom to wash hands thoroughly before proceeding to the treatment room.
TREATMENT: Please wear warm, loose fitting, comfortable clothing that you can roll up and will not require much removal. Before getting on the table, please roll up your pant legs above the knee and shirt sleeves over the elbow. Masks must be kept on the entire visit. There will be a small table or bin where you can place your personal belongings.
Blankets/sheets will be used if only absolutely necessary. The treatment table now has soft crepe paper rather than linens. A minimal number of pillows will be used, and arm pillows will not be available. Eye covers will have a paper covering.
Treatment rooms have a HEPA filter running at all times to assist with air purification.
While you can talk during the treatment, data suggests that talking, especially loud talking, spreads potentially contagious aerosol further. Please refrain from unnecessary talking and use the time for silent reflection and healing.
DISINFECTION PRACTICES: After every appointment the treatment rooms are thoroughly disinfected with sanitizer that is EPA-registered and hospital grade. I will follow all contact time protocols for all surfaces.
The entire clinic will be cleaned on a set schedule daily and high touch surfaces between each patient. HEPA air filters run at all times and I will take steps to ensure everyone adheres to respiratory hygiene, cough etiquette, and hand hygiene practices.
CHECK OUT: Credit cards will now need to be filed securely for appointments and herb orders, for faster and touchless checkout. I will provide contactless transactions whenever possible. I am also asking for your updated email address so I can email you receipts/superbills and communicate important information.
Appointments can be rescheduled in the treatment room, online, or over the phone and herbs will be left for by the front door to pick up on your way out.
CANCELLATIONS: I have relaxed the 24-hr cancellation policy in regard to COVID-19 related symptoms, in order to encourage safety.
Our health and healing are so essential right now. I’ve put a lot of thought and care over the past months in developing and implementing protocols to keep you safe during your visits at Healing Points Acupuncture. I want to be able to serve you the best that I can so that you have an ideal clinic experience. I will be adjusting these procedures weekly as necessary. I ask for your patience as we navigate the new regulations and reopening together.
I am so grateful for your support over the years and I am honored to be on this healing journey with you. Please stay healthy and safe, and reach out if I can help in any way ( or 501-221-1120).
I am sending you all much love and light and I can’t wait to see everyone again! – Michele
What to expect
For your first visit, please plan on being in the office for about 1.5-2 hours. Follow-up appointments usually last one hour.
We will talk at length about your reasons for coming in, and will go through a full health history. It is important for us to discuss all aspects of your health, even though they may not seem directly related to your current issues. Traditional Chinese Medicine is very good at drawing correlations that may not seem obvious.
A variety of diagnostic tools may be used, including: pulse reading, physical examination, and channel palpation. An acupuncture treatment will follow the consultation, and during your visit we’ll also discuss your treatment plan. Herbs will be prescribed if they are necessary for your condition. Needles are generally retained 20-40 minutes or longer. No two patients are the same, and the sessions are tailored to your needs.
For those who have never experienced acupuncture before, here are some things you should know:
- All of our acupuncture needles are sterile and disposable.
- Acupuncture needles are extremely fine- much more fine than the kind of needles used for shots or taking blood!
- A little bit of sensation is good! Acupuncture should not “hurt”. You may feel a slight prick depending on the location of needling, but sensations should not ever remain sharp. What you will likely feel can be described in many different ways, often slightly dull, moving, or tingling.
- Because acupuncture calms the nervous system, most people feel a deep sense of relaxation during treatment.
Preparing for your first visit
The following suggestions are provided to help you have a safe and relaxing experience with acupuncture:
- Please wear something comfortable and loose fitting that will allow access to your arms and legs below the elbows and knees. Most treatments do not require the removal of clothing. If necessary, we do have sheets if clothes do need to be removed.
- Do not brush your tongue 24 – 48 hours prior to treatment. The tongue coat is an essential diagnostic tool in Chinese medicine.
- It is always a good idea to eat a little something before coming in. Eat a light meal or snack prior to your visit but don’t eat a large meal prior to your visit. Acupuncture is very relaxing so some people do not realize how strong it can be.
- Avoid heavy exertion immediately before and after treatment.
- Set aside enough time so that you are not rushing to and from your visit.
- Please bring in a list of all medications and supplements, as well as any medical reports that may pertain to your current issue.
Getting the most out of your treatment
For the best treatment results, keep a few things in mind:
- You will receive more benefit from your treatment if you refrain from overexertion for a couple hours after treatment after your visit and avoid any activities that aggravate your condition.
- Follow your treatment plan between visits to maximize your treatments to support you on the road to health and wellness.
- Keep your scheduled appointments, as each treatment builds upon the previous one.
Will improvements be long lasting?
Achieving significant healing requires a commitment on your part. Optimal results are achieved when a patient follows the suggested treatment plan. As a general rule, acute conditions require fewer treatments than chronic conditions. With acupuncture, patients will usually begin to see positive changes within the first few treatments. Some patients respond favorably after only one or two treatments, others show little or no improvement until the eight or ninth visit. And sometimes, despite the practitioner’s best effort and skill, the patient does not respond to treatment. Most conditions require 10-15 sessions, although some conditions may require 20-30 treatments depending upon the chronic nature of the complaint. We also encourage follow-up care to prevent the symptoms from recurring and to maintain wellness. Many patients who have been helped by acupuncture retain their improvement for months or even years after treatment. In cases where the symptoms return, people may be helped again with just a few more sessions. Chronic conditions, especially those involving pain, may require a regular course of acupuncture as part of an overall pain management strategy.
Most patients feel relaxed and energized after each treatment.
Our goal at Healing Points Acupuncture is to provide our patients with outstanding quality service and products. It is important that we have policies to help our office run more efficiently. We value your patronage and thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
HOURS– Hours are by appointment only. The clinic is open M-F. Saturday appointments may be available.
PAYMENT –Payment in full is due at the time services are rendered.
Cash, checks, most major credit cards and health savings accounts accepted.
We do not accept insurance at this time, however a Superbill can be provided upon request. You may submit this receipt directly to your insurance company to seek reimbursement for payments made. You will need to contact your insurance company prior to your visit to inquire if acupuncture services are covered under your policy.
Missed and Late Appointment Policy
Your appointment time is reserved especially for you. If you are unable to keep your allotted time and need to change or cancel appointments please provide 24 hours notice to avoid incurring a cancellation fee of the price equal to service. This amount must be paid prior to your next scheduled appointment. On the day of your appointment if you are running late please notify the office as soon as possible. If you arrive late your treatment may need to be shortened or rescheduled to accommodate other patients whose appointments follow yours. Late arrivals are subject to the cancellation fee. We understand that things come up and schedules can change, but in fairness to our patients, HPA must strictly adhere to these policies.
Inclement Weather Policy
HPA follows the Little Rock School District ‘s closure policy. If the schools are closed the clinic is closed.
Your patient record and patient information are confidential. Information is shared only when necessary to provide care and services, or by your authorization, or when required or permitted by law. Our office is HIPPA compliant.